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Disease management

40% decrease in disease & pest management cost.

Optimum data driven irrigation

Almost 50% saving of water, and now less root borne diseases, no color rot disease and wilt. Significant control of soil borne fungal diseases.

Better yield

Local vendors have categorised his produce as the top quality in the market. Getting ₹ 35-40/Kg even in COVID market

Farmer's Name: Shri Hariom Mukati

Region: Nagalwadi, Madhya Pradesh

Crop: Chilli

Mode of Irrigation: Drip

Mr. Hariom Mukati, a progressive farmer from Nagalwadi, south Madhya Pradesh chilli belt started using the Fasal system for his chilli farm of 6 acre. In the beginning he was slightly concerned whether he will be able to use the system to its maximum extent or not. But Mr. Mukati is known to be a curious farmer in the region. And he did use Fasal religiously. Mr. Mukati shared the details of his experience mentioning that this season his chilli has been categorised the best produce in his region and has solicited a price of 35-40 Rs/kg on average. Mr. Mukati also irrigated precisely according to Fasal advisory and was able to cut down the quantity and frequency of irrigation by half. The accurate irrigation also ensured that this season he has not seen any color rot disease and wilt.

He feels much much more confident about his farm management practices and says that he now very well understands the ET, the VPD and can visualise and correlate the plant stress conditions of his farm even without being present there. He says that the nearby farms who do not have a Fasal system yet are seeing a lot of presence of sucking pests, root rot and other soil borne diseases as compared to his farm.

Mr. Mukati is proud of this achievement. He stresses that all farmers should use Fasal technology in all plots in all crops for saving cost and better quality. He has already placed the order for deploying the Fasal system at his 2 other plots.